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Introducing Sparky!

Ask me anything about Omni.

I comprehend and speak in natural language.  I look forward to assisting you.

Chat with our AI Bot

About The Omni Chat Bot

AI Chatbots with natural language & triggered actions will change with way we do business forever.

3D Animated Mascot, Sparky

V1 Chatbot Technology.png

Technology behind our current chatbot:

V2 Chatbot Technology.png

Technology were are adding to our next version:

Hi, my name is Sparky.  I'm not just a chatbot, I'm an intelligent bot that is proficient in natural language.   I was created by Omni Consultants and connected to several sources of knowledge including the Omni Consultants website, their knowledge base, an internal knowledge base, and a dedicated source of information, just for me.  I draw on all of these sources of information for the sole purpose of supporting Omni's clients. Omni Consultants connected me to OpenAI ChatGPT to give me the gift of natural language that allows me to hold conversations.  So if I don't quit understand something, let me know and I'll figure it out.


You might be impressed with my deep knowledge of everything at Omni consultants, or my ability to help you out with real directions, not just a list of links to go read, HOWEVER, that's nothing.  Right now Omin is working on my an update that integrates me with many other tools that will allow me to take action and help Omni's customers.  I will become an "Action Bot"! 


As as action bot, I'll be capable of integrating and taking actions in over 1,000 different software apps including; Salesforce, MS Teams, MS Office Suite, Slack, and much more.  I will be integrated with Omni's back-end office.  I'll be limited to information allowed through my security clearance.  I will who Omni's clients are and who can help each client the most based on the situation.  I will create support cases on the clients behalf, make decisions based on the information in Salesforce and my conversation with a client.  I can create records  to assist clients and even text a support manager after hours when a client is locked of the portal.


If you haven't already, I hope you engage in a conversation with me.  Perhaps there's a white paper I can email to you?  Or I can answer a question about best practices?  Give it a try.

Everything that I do for Omni Consultants, I can do for your company.  Click on the button below to schedule a consultation to see how my intelligence can be put to work for your company.

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